CPM Homework Banner

Decide which numbers below are correctly written in scientific notation. If they are not, rewrite them.

Refer to the rules from the Math Notes box from this lesson:
-The first factor is less than and greater than or equal to .
-The second factor has a base of and an integer exponent.
-The factors are separated by a multiplication sign.


    This is not written in scientific notation.
    Which one of the rules is not followed in this notation?

    The first factor is more than . We can move the decimal one digit to the left so that the number is between and . How will that change the second factor?

    By moving the decimal one digit to the left to make , we must add to the exponent of . If we move the decimal to the right, we must subtract from the exponent of .


    Are any of the rules broken by this notation?


    Are all of the rules followed by this notation?

    Yes. The second factor has a base of and an integer exponent of .


    The first and second rules for scientific notation are both broken. How can you rewrite each factor to satisfy both rules?

    is . This value is . How many times do you have to multiply 10 by itself to get ?

    , so times.
    Now we have .

    We need to change to a number between and . Move the decimal point one digit to the right. What does this do to the exponent of ?

    We have to subtract from the exponent of . So now we have: