CPM Homework Banner

After a weather balloon is launched the following data is sent back to the meteorological center. The column marked time, , is given in seconds after launch, elevation, , in feet above sea level, and temperature, , in degrees Fahrenheit.

  1. Approximately how fast (in ft/sec) is the balloon rising at seconds?

    Since we cannot find the derivative (IROC), calculate the average rate of change.
    For :
    You could use Hana’s method: 
    or Anah’s method: 
    or Hanah’s method: 

  2. Approximately how fast is the temperature changing (in °F/ft) at feet?

    Use Hana, Anah, or Hanah's method to approximate the rate of change for at .

  3. Approximately how fast is the temperature changing (in °F/sec) at seconds?

    Use Hana, Anah, or Hanah's method to approximate the rate of change for at .

  4. Why would you expect the product of the answers to (a) and (b) to equal answer (c)?



