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The graph at right compares the gas mileage to the weight of numerous vehicles.

Describe the association between these two quantities.

Consider these questions:
1. Is there a linear association?
2. Are there any outliers? (Points that do not fit in nicely with the rest of the data points).
3. Why is the data in two clusters? What might this imply?

3. Two different types of vehicles could have been used. Try answering the first two questions on your own.

A scatterplot with Weight in tons on the x axis scaled in quarters from 2 to 4.5. Mileage in mpg on the y axis scaled in ones from 15 to 32. There are 2 clusters of points. The first cluster is in the top left corner from 2 to 2.75 in the x direction and from 26 to 31 in the y direction. The second cluster goes from 2.75 to 4 in the x direction and from 15 to 22 in the y direction. The teacher will provide you with a model.