CPM Homework Banner

Examine the triangles in the diagram at right.

  1. Are the triangles similar? If you decide that they are, then justify your conclusion using a flowchart.

    What do the two arrows mean?
    What do they tell you about angle relationships?

    Yes, by .
    Draw a flowchart to display your conclusions.

  2. Solve for . Show all work.

    Corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional.

Line segments, EG, &, FH, intersect at a point labeled, Z, with segments from, E, to, H, & from, F, to, G, creating 2 triangles with a shared vertex, labeled as follows: Side, EZ, 20, Side, HZ, 24, side, FZ, x + 2, side, GZ, labeled, x, sides, E,H, & FG, each have one arrow.