CPM Homework Banner

For each given population, create a research question and at least one survey question that can help you answer your research question. Assume your math class is the representative sample you will survey.


Population: students at my school
Research Question: How many students at our school would take advantage of extended library hours?
Survey Question for my Math Class: If the school library were open at 7:15 a.m., would you use it at least once per week?


Population: all high school math students in the U.S.
Research Question: Why do high school students take math?
Survey Question for my Math Class: The main reason I’m taking this class is:

1) It is a graduation requirement.

2) It is a college prerequisite.

3) My parents are making me.

4) I’m interested in math.

5) For some other reason.

Answers will vary. Do your best to create an unbiased question.

  1. Population: students at my school

  2. Population: all high school math students in the U.S.

  3. Population: all U.S. teenagers

    Research: What is the average commute distance to school for teenagers?

    Survey: What is the distance from where you live to school?