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Skye's Ice Cream Shoppe is Mario's favorite place to get ice cream. Unfortunately, because he was late arriving there, his friends had already ordered. He did not know what they ordered for him. They told him that it was either a waffle cone or a sundae and that the ice cream flavor was either apricot, chocolate, or blackberry.

  1. What is the probability that Mario will get something with apricot ice cream?

  2. What is the probability that he will get a sundae?

  3. What is the probability that he will get either something with chocolate or a waffle cone with blackberry?

  4. What is the probability that he will get orange sherbet?

Make a tree diagram.

The first choice is between waffle cone or sundae, and each of those could have either apricot, chocolate, or blackberry. How can you put this information into a tree diagram?

How many total combinations are there? How many of those total have apricot ice cream?

How many of the 6 combinations include a sundae?

See the tree diagram in part (a).

How many times does orange sherbet show up in the diagram?