CPM Homework Banner

Halla todos los ángulos faltantes en los siguientes diagramas.  

¿Qué sabes sobre los ángulos opuestos por el vértice? ¿Y sobre los ángulos alternos internos? ¿Qué tal los ángulos adyacentes que forman una línea recta?

  1. Two increasing parallel lines cut by a horizontal line & an increasing line, creating 4 intersections, labeled as follows: top right intersection, interior bottom angle, 75 degrees, bottom right intersection, interior top angle, 85 degrees.

  1. Two horizontal parallel lines cut by two transversal lines that intersect at 1 point with the top parallel line and at two points with the bottom parallel line. The given angle about the point of intersection of the top transversals and the top parallel line is the exterior middle angle, 30 degrees. The given angle about the point of intersection of the right transversal and the bottom parallel line is the exterior right angle, 110 degrees.

Completa los valores que faltan.

  1. Angle labels added, top right intersection, exterior top angle, 75 degrees, bottom left intersection, interior bottom angle, 85 degrees.

  1. Labels added: top intersection, arc across middle exterior & right exterior angles labeled 110 degrees, bottom left intersection, interior left angle labeled 100 degrees.