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Copy the following figures onto your paper. Then find the area and perimeter of each shape. Assume that all corners are right angles. Show all work.  

  1. An enclosed figure starting at the upper left corner, right 16, down 12, right 19, down 13, left 35, up 25 to enclose the figure.

    The same enclosed figure, divided into 2 rectangles, by extending the horizontal 19 unit line to the left.

    To find the area, separate the shape into two boxes, find the area of the two sections, and then add them together for the total area.


    area units2

    To find the perimeter (the distance around a shape) add up all of the sides of the shape.


    perimeter units

  1. An enclosed figure: Starting at the upper left, right 12, down 8, right 7, down 8, left 12, up 8, left 7, up 8 to enclose the figure.

    The same figure, divided into 2 rectangles, by a horizontal dashed line through the middle.

    To find the area and perimeter of the shape in part (b), follow the same strategy outlined in part (a).