Home > CCAA8 > Chapter 2 Unit 2 > Lesson CCA: 2.1.3 > Problem 2-31
Does the table below appear to represent a function? If so, write an equation using function notation that represents the table. If not, explain why it cannot represent a function. 2-31 HW eTool.
Figure # | figure # x, column, 1 | figure # x, column, 2 | figure # x, column, 3 | figure # x, column, 4 | figure # x, column, 5 |
# of tiles | # of tiles y, column 1 4 | # of tiles y, column 2 | # of tiles y, column 3 | # of tiles y, column 4 | # of tiles y, column 5 |
There can only be one
Plot the points on a graph and draw a slope triangle or use another method to find the slope.
Input the points into the table in the eTool below to determine if it represents a function.
Click the link at right for the full version of the eTool: CCA 2-31 HW eTool