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Kelani wants to cut a piece of rope into several equally-sized pieces and then have a -foot piece remaining. Write an algebraic expression to represent the length of each rope shown in the diagrams below. Then use the equation you create to help Kelani figure out how long to make each of the equally-sized pieces.

  1. A -foot piece of rope (find n). A line segment with 4 sections. 3 equal sections are each labeled, n, and last section labeled 10 feet,

  • The equation represents this length of rope.
    Now solve the equation to find .

  • Subtract from both sides.

  • Divide each side by .

  1. A -foot piece of rope (find x). A line segment with 4 sections. 3 equal sections are each labeled, x, and last section labeled 10 feet,

  • You can use the equation to represent this length of rope.
    Follow the steps outlined in part (a) to solve for .

  1. A -foot piece of rope (find j). A line segment with 3 sections. 2 equal sections are each labeled, j, and last section labeled 10 feet,

  • Can you write your own equation for this rope?
    Remember that there are only j's and the total length is feet.