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Which net(s) below will fold up to make a complete prism? If a net will not form a prism, explain why not.

  1. A row of 4 square tiles with 2 additional tiles underneath the third tile in the row.

    Let this section be your base.

    A row of 4 square tiles with 2 additional tiles underneath the third tile in the row. The third tile is shaded.

    Visualize the three sides of the figure folding upwards.

    Now imagine the remaining two sections folding over.

    The last two sections that are folded overlap and a cube with one missing face is formed.

    Refer to the glossary to refresh your memory of the definition of a prism.
    Do the qualities of the three dimensional figure formed match up with the definition?

    No, this figure has one missing face.

  1. A right triangle has 3 rectangles connected to each of its 3 sides. Each rectangle has the same width as its connected side of the triangle, but all have the same length. On the other side of the rectangle of one of the legs another congruent right triangle is connected.

    Visualize the process of folding this figure using the method presented in part (a).

    Yes, this net does form a prism.

  1.  An irregular pentagon has 5 rectangles, connected to each of its 5 sides. Each rectangle has the same length, as its connected side of the pentagon, but all have the same width.

    See part (a).

    No, this does not form a prism because there is only one base.

  1. A column of 3 congruent, horizontal, rectangles. A square is connected to the left and right side of the middle rectangle. The square on the right side, has a rectangle of a different length, connected to its right side.

    See part (a).

    The last section to be folded over will not completely cover the last face of the prism.