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The sides of each of the triangles below can be found using one of the shortcuts from Section 5.2. Try to find the missing lengths using your patterns. Do not use a calculator.  

  1. A right triangle with a leg of 12 inches and a hypotenuse of 20 inches.

    Is this triangle similar to a Pythagorean Triple?

    The triangle is similar to the Pythagorean Triple , with a scale factor of .

    The missing side is similar to on the triangle.
    With a scale factor of , the missing side is inches.

  1. A triangle with two 45 degree angles. A leg is 4 yds.

    This is a triangle. What is the scale factor between this
    special triangle and the given triangle?

    With a scale factor of . Missing sides are...

     and .

  1. A right triangle with a leg of 10 feet and a hypotenuse of 26 feet.

    Is this triangle similar to a Pythagorean Triple of or ?

  1. A right triangle with a 60 degree angle and a hypotenuse of 20 meters.

    With a triangle, the short side is half the length of the hypotenuse so it is .
    The side opposite the angle is multiplied by the square root of . So it is...