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Home > CCA > Chapter 6 > Lesson 6.2.1 > Problem 6-59


Copy each generic rectangle below and fill in the missing parts. Then write an equation showing the area as a product and the area as a sum.

  1. Generic rectangle left edge top blank

    interior top left blank

    interior top middle

    interior top right blank

    left edge bottom

    interior bottom left

    interior bottom middle blank

    interior bottom right

    bottom edge left blank

    bottom edge middle

    bottom edge right blank

  • What should you multiply by to get ?
    Use the same logic to fill in the sides of the rectangle. A generic rectangle with two rows of 3. The left edge bottom is negative 3. The bottom edge far left is 2, X. The bottom edge middle is negative 4, Y. The interior is labeled as follows: Upper row middle is negative 20 x, y. The lower row far left is negative 6, x. The lower row far right is negative 15.

  • Fill in the remaining empty squares in the rectangle. Added to the generic rectangle: The left edge top is negative 5, x. The bottom edge far right is 5. The interior is labeled as follows: Upper row far left is negative 10 x, squared. The upper row far right is 25, X. The lower row middle is 12, y.

  • To write the equation as a product, multiply the polynomials on the outside of the rectangle.

  • To write the equation as a sum, add the values inside the rectangle.

  1. Generic rectangle left edge top  

    interior top left

    interior top right blank

    left edge bottom blank

    interior bottom left blank

    interior bottom right

  • There is more than one possible solution.