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Home > CCA > Chapter A > Lesson A.1.5 > Problem A-56


Use legal simplification moves to determine which side of the Expressions Comparison Mat is greater.    

  1. Expression Comparison Mat: Which is greater. Positive Left: 2 positive, x tiles,1 positive unit tile, and 3 negative unit tiles.  Negative Left: 1 positive, x tile, 1 negative x tile, and 4 positive unit tiles. Positive Right: 1 positive, x tile, 3 positive unit tiles and 1 negative unit tile. Negative Right: 1 negative, x tile, 4 positive unit tiles and 2 negative unit tiles.

  1. Expression Comparison Mat: Which is greater. Positive Left: 1 positive unit tile, and 3 negative unit tiles. Negative Left: 1 negative x tile, and 4  positive unit tiles.  Positive Right: 1 positive, x tile, 1 positive unit tile and 1 negative unit tile. Negative Right: 2 positive unit tiles.

Use the expression mat in the eTool below to determine which side is greater.
Click on the link at right for the full eTool version: CCA A-56a HW eTool

Use the expression mat in the eTool below to determine which side is greater.
Click on the link at right for the full eTool version: CCA A-56b HW eTool