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Home > CCA2 > Chapter 4 > Lesson 4.2.4 > Problem 4-104


Graph the solutions to each of the following inequalities on a different set of axes. Label each graph with the inequality as given and with its form. Choose a test point and show that it gives the same result in both forms of your inequality.


    Increasing dashed line, divides plane into 2 regions, region to left is shaded.


    Horizontal dashed line at y, = 3, divides plane into 2 regions, region below line is shaded.


    Rewrite the inequality as an equation and solve for . Graph the line.

    Does the point make the original inequality true?

    Increasing solid line, divides plane into 2 regions, region to left is shaded.


    Repeat the steps used in part (a): Solve for ; graph the parabola; test ; decide where to shade.

    Upward solid parabola divides plane into 2 regions, region above & inside parabola is shaded.