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Home > CCG > Chapter 1 > Lesson 1.3.1 > Problem 1-112


Copy the Venn diagram below on your paper. Then show where each person described should be represented in the diagram. If a portion of the Venn diagram remains empty, describe the qualities a person would need to belong there.  

Venn Diagram with 2 circles that overlap, left Circle labeled, number 1, Studies a lot of for class, right Circle labeled, number 2, Has long hair.

  1. Carol: “I rarely study and enjoy braiding my long hair.”

  2. Bob: “I never do homework and have a crew cut.

  3. Pedro: “I love joining after school study teams to prepare for tests and I like being bald!”

Write items that satisfy #1 in that circle. Write items that satisfy #2 in that circle.  Any items that satisfy both #1 and #2 go where the circles intersect.  Any items satisfy neither conditions go outside the circles.

For each part (a) through (c) think about whether the person described studies a lot for class and has long hair.

If they have long hair, they belong in circle #.
If they study a lot, they should be in circle #.
If both, they should be in the overlap of the two circles.
If neither, they should be outside both circles.

Carol is in circle # only.