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Home > CCG > Chapter 11 > Lesson 11.2.2 > Problem 11-102


This problem is a checkpoint for computing volumes and surface areas of prisms and cylinders. It will be referred to as Checkpoint 11.

Compute the volume and surface area of each solid.  

  1. Prism, with top & bottom shaded bases, each a 4 sided polygon, with sides labeled as follows: left, 12, bottom, 15, right, 8, with left and right, bottom angles, marked as 90 degrees. Left Front face of prism has left edge labeled 14, & bottom left angle marked as 90 degrees.

  1. Cylinder, with wedge removed, labeled: radius, 10 cm, height, 12 cm, and central angle, on the top circle, labeled, 300 degrees.

  1. 2 Rectangular Prism one inside the other, labeled as follows: Outer prism: left side bottom edge, & right side bottom edge, each 4 inches, right side right edge, 5 inches. Interior prism, top side, left & right edges, each labeled 2 inches.

Check your answers by referring to the Checkpoint 11 materials located at the back of your book.

Ideally, at this point you are comfortable working with these types of problems and can solve them correctly. If you feel that you need more confidence when solving these types of problems, then review the Checkpoint 11 materials and try the practice problems provided. From this point on, you will be expected to do problems like these correctly and with confidence.

Answers and extra practice are located in the back of your printed textbook or in the Reference Tab of your eBook.
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