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Home > CCG > Chapter 7 > Lesson 7.2.3 > Problem 7-76


For either part (a), (c), or (d) of problem 7-75, create a flowchart to prove your conclusion. Remember to start with the given information and include a reason or justification for each bubble in your flowchart.  

Label each vertex. Start on the left with , going clockwise label them , , and .

Quadrilateral A, B, C, D, has a line segment A, C, forming 2 internal triangles. Sides, A, B and A, D have one tick mark. Sides B, C, and C, D, have 2 tick marks.




Bubble 1 has an arrow pointing down to bubble 4.

Bubble 2 has an arrow pointing down to bubble 4.

 Bubble 3 has an arrow pointing down to bubble 4.