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Home > PCT > Chapter Ch9 > Lesson 9.3.3 > Problem 9-127


Sean drove mph for minutes, sat at a stop light for minutes, drove mph through a construction zone for minutes, stopped for a pedestrian for minutes, and then continued home at mph for minutes.

  1. Make a velocity graph of their trip.

    First quadrant linear piecewise, pieces as follows: from (0, comma 35) to (2, comma 35), from (2, comma 0), to (3.5, comma 0), from (3.5, comma 25) to (8.5, comma 25), from (8.5, comma 0), to (9, comma 0), from (9, comma 15) to (9.5, comma 15).

  2. Calculate the total distance traveled.

    Added to same graph, shading between each horizontal segment & the x axis, creating 3 rectangles.