CPM Homework Banner

Examine the slope field shown at right. Imagine drawing some solutions, beginning with a variety of -intercepts above the -axis. What will be for each of the solutions? 

Where are the possible horizontal asymptotes for the solution curve?

Coordinate plane, 10 rows of 10 short segments, each row with same slope at given y values, as follows, @ negative 2, slope of 6, @ 0.25, slope of negative 1 half, @ 2, slope of negative 2, @ 4.5, slope of negative 3, @ 6.5, slope of negative 4, @ 8.5, slope of negative 1, @ 10.5, slope of 4, @ 12.5, 14.5, & 16.5,  each has almost vertical slope. Your teacher can provide you with a model.