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Examine the slope field of for at right.

  1. If , use Euler’s Method to draw a solution curve for using .

  2. Draw a new solution using Euler’s Method if .

5 rows of 5 short tangents as follows: first row @ y = 4, increasing from slope of 1 to slope of 2, second row @ y = 2, increasing from slope of 0 to slope of almost 2,  third row @ the x axis, slopes from left to right, negative 1, negative 1 half, 0, 1 half, 1, fourth row @ y = negative 2, decreasing from slope of almost negative 2 to 0, fifth row @ y = negative 4, decreasing from slope negative 2, to slope of negative 1.

Start at . , so the next point is .

Using , , so the next point is .

Continue this process to locate more points on the solution curve.