CPM Homework Banner

Solve the following equations. Record your work and check your answers. 

  1. 4 region equation mat, Tiles on the mat as follows: Positive Left: 2 positive x's & 3 positive units. Negative Left: 1 negative unit & 1 positive x. Positive Right, 2 positive x's, & 2 negative units.  Negative Right, 1 negative x.

    The dark boxes are positive, and the white boxes are negative.
    Watch out for subtraction errors when completing this problem.

  1. 4 region equation mat, Tiles on the mat as follows: Positive Left: 2 positive x's. Negative Left: 2 negative units & 1 positive x. Positive Right, 2 negative units.  Negative Right, 1 positive x & 1 negative unit.

    The dark boxes are positive, and the white boxes are negative.
    Watch out for subtraction errors when completing this problem.


    Assume that .


    no solution