CPM Homework Banner

Shaded tile is plus 1.  Tile is negative 1.Solve the equation represented on each Equation Mats below. Record your work. Check your answer.

  1. 4 region equation mat, with tiles as follows: Positive Left: 2 negative, x's, and 2 positive units. Negative Left: 1 negative, x, and 4 positive units. Positive Right: 2 positive units, and 3 negative units. Negative Right: 2 positive, x's, and 2 negative units.

    Tackle the Equation Mat corner by corner:top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right.
    Remember, the problem does not ask you to simplify.


  1. 4 region equation mat, with tiles as follows: Positive Left: 1 negative x, 2 negative, units, and 1 positive unit. Negative Left: 1 negative, x, and 3 positive units. Positive Right: 6 positive units. Negative Right: 2 positive, x's, 1 positive unit, & 1 negative unit.

Use the Equation Mat below to solve the equation.
Click the link at the right to view the full eTool version: A-82a HW eTool.

Use the Equation Mat below to solve the equation.
Click the link at the right to view the full eTool version: A-82b HW eTool.