CPM Homework Banner

Solve each equation. Record your work and check your answer.

Shaded tile is plus 1.  Tile is negative 1.

  1. 4 region equation mat, with tiles as follows: Positive Left: 1 positive unit & 3 negative units. Negative Left: 2 negative, x's. Positive Right: 1 negative x, & 3 negative units. Negative Right: 1 positive, x, and 2 positive  units.

    The expression for the left side is . The expression for the right side is . Simplify each side by flipping tiles from the negative to the positive region and removing zero pairs. Record your work.

  1. 4 region equation mat, with tiles as follows: Positive Left: 1 positive, y, 1 positive & 1 negative unit. Negative Left: 2 negative units. Positive Right: 1 positive y, & 3 positive units. Negative Right: 1 negative, y, and 1 positive unit.

The simplified expression for the left side is, for the right side is .

Be sure to record your work and check your answer.

  1. 4 region equation mat, with tiles as follows: Positive Left: 1 negative, x, 1 positive unit, & 4 negative units. Negative Left: 1 negative unit, and 4 positive units. Positive Right: 1 negative x, & 2 negative units. Negative Right: 4 positive units.

    See parts (a) and (b)