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Jerry has an idea. Since he knows that an isosceles trapezoid has reflection symmetry, he reasons, “That means that it must have two pairs of angles with equal measure.” He marked this relationship on his diagram at right.

Copy the shapes below onto your paper. Similarly, mark which angles must have equal measure due to reflection symmetry.

4 sided polygon, labeled Isosceles Trapezoid, labeled as follows: left & right sides, each with 1 tick mark, top left & top right angles, each with 2 arcs, bottom left & bottom right angles, each with 1 tick mark, with vertical dashed segment, through the center.

  1. 4 sided polygon, with sides labeled as follows: left top & left bottom sides, 1 tick mark, right top & right bottom sides, 2 tick marks. 

  1. Triangle with sides labeled as follows: left & right sides, 1 tick mark.

  1. Triangle, 1 tick mark on each side.

  1. 4 sided polygon, with all 4 sides labeled with 1 tick mark.

Draw all lines of symmetry.

Mark the angles that correspond and are on opposite sides of the line of reflection.