Home > INT3 > Chapter 2 > Lesson 2.2.3 > Problem 2-81
The Food and Drug Administration requires that restaurants with more than
An inspector chooses a random sample of
Construct a histogram of the calorie data. Begin with your lowest bin at
calories and use a bin width of calories. Why did the inspector test
wings when it would have been much easier and less expensive to test just one? There is a lot of variation in the calorie content of a batter fried chicken wings. Chickens are not all the same size and the amount of batter stuck to the wings can also vary.
The FDA calculated the following statistics from the data: (calories)
Standard Deviation Median IQR Which set of measures best describes the calories in a typical Pollo Genio batter-fried chicken wing? Justify your answer.
If the data is symmetric with no outliers, the mean and standard deviation can be used to describe the center and spread.
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