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Home > INT3 > Chapter 8 > Lesson 8.3.1 > Problem 8-100


Now divide by the factor that you chose in the previous problem. If it is a factor, use it and the resulting factor to determine all the roots of the polynomial. If it is not a factor, reconsider your answer to the previous problem and try a different factor.

2 by 3 rectangle, labeled as follows: left edge, x, minus 5, interior top, left, x, cubed.

Labels added: Top edge, left, x, squared, interior bottom, left, negative 5, x, squared, interior top, middle, negative 4, x squared.

Labels added: Top edge, middle, negative 4, x, interior bottom, middle, 20, x, interior top, right, negative, x.

Labels added: top edge, right, negative 1, interior bottom, right, 5.

Now finish solving.