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Home > PC > Chapter 6 > Lesson 6.1.4 > Problem 6-63


Using , find the equations for the following lines.

Triangle, P Q R, with vertices labeled with the following coordinates: P, (negative 4, comma 6), Q, (2, comma 12), & R  (14 comma 2).

  1. The perpendicular bisector of .

    Added to triangle, P Q R, point D, on side, P R, with dashed line passing through D, perpendicular to side, P R.

    1. Find the slope of the line.
    2. Find the midpoint
    3. Substitute into the point-slope form.

  2. The median line that goes from to the midpoint of .

    Dashed line Added passing through, Q & D.

    1. Given the points and , find the slope
    2. Use the point-slope form of a line to find an equation.

  3. The altitude of from to side .

    Dashed line added from Q, perpendicular to side, P R.

    1. Find the slope of the line.
    2. Then using the slope and pt. , use the form to find .
    3. Then substitute back and back into the form.