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Home > PC3 > Chapter 13 > Lesson 13.3.1 > Problem 13-102


Sketch a position graph and a velocity graph for the following scenario: Walk slowly for seconds, stop for seconds, walk slowly for seconds, run to finish.

First quadrant piecewise, x axis labeled, seconds, scaled in fives from 0 to 30, y axis, scaled with 6 tick marks, with orange horizontal segments, between, x = 0 & x = 5, on second y tick mark, between, x = 5 & x = 10, on x axis, between, x = 10, & x = 15, on second y tick mark, and horizontal ray, labeled, v of t, starting at, x = 15, on fifth tick mark.

Continuous linear piecewise, labeled, d of t, x axis labeled, seconds, scaled in fives from 0 to 30, y axis, scaled with 6 tick marks, starting at the origin, turning horizontal at, x = 5, on first tick mark, turning up at, x = 10, to x = 15, on second tick mark, turning more steeply up & right.