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Home > PC3 > Chapter 2 > Lesson 2.3.1 > Problem 2-127


State all values of that satisfy each of the following equations. Sketching a unit circle will help. 


    Unit circle, with right triangles in first & second quadrants, each vertical leg labeled, 1 half. Central angle in first quadrant, labeled 30 degrees. Central angle, from positive, x axis, to hypotenuse in third quadrant, shaded and labeled, 150 degrees.


    Unit Circle with right triangles in second & third quadrants, such that they share their horizontal leg, which is on the negative, x axis, labeled, negative 1 half, the vertical legs align. Central angle from positive, x axis, to hypotenuse in second quadrant, shaded & labeled 120 degrees. Central angle from positive, x axis, to hypotenuse in third quadrant, shaded & labeled, 240 degrees.


    What special angle(s) are involved?
    What does the negative sign mean?


    These angles are coterminal with the -axis.