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Home > PC3 > Chapter 7 > Lesson 7.1.1 > Problem 7-13


Crane makes for the first six hours on the job and then after that. Jill’s job pays for the first eight hours and then after that.  

  1. Write the equation of a function that models Crane’s earnings after t hours.

    Make a table for the first hours.
    Note that you will need to write the equation of a piecewise-defined function since there are two different pay rates.

  2. Write the equation of a function that models Jill’s earnings after hours.

  3. When will Jill make ?

    You know that in hours
    Jill will have .
    So .
    Solve for .

  4. When does Crane make more than Jill?

    After hours, Crane has earned and Jill has earned .
    After hours, Crane has earned and Jill has earned .