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Home > GC > Chapter 5 > Lesson 5.2.1 > Problem 5-49


Fill in the blank ovals below so that each flowchart is correct.  

  1. Flow Chart Proof with a total of 3 bubbles. Bubbles 1 & 2 each have an arrow pointing to the third bubble. The bubbles are labeled as follows: Bubble 1, X,  is a prime number. Bubble 2 is blank. Bubble 3, X,  equals 2.

    The fact is is a prime number so the conclusion is , so is a prime number.
    What is another fact you can say that would still give as a conclusion.
    Put that in the blank oval.

    is even, or is less than are possible answers, because these fact lead to the conclusion .

  1. Flow Chart Proof with a total of 3 bubbles. Bubbles 1 & 2 each have an arrow pointing to the third bubble. The bubbles are labeled as follows: Bubble 1, The triangle is a 45, 45, 90 degree triangle. Bubble 2, The hypotenuse of the triangle is 6 times square root of 2 units long. Bubble 3 is blank.

    What conclusion can you make about the legs of the triangle?