Home > MC1 > Chapter 2 > Lesson 2.2.2 > Problem 2-69
Here are some new distances with given lengths to help Cecil cross the tightrope, introduced in problem 2-50. Find at least two ways to get Cecil across. Write your solutions using numbers and symbols.
Span of tightrope:
Given lengths:feet This problem is very similar to 2-55 on page 88 of your textbook. Use the solution to that problem to guide you, if you need help.
a multiple of or ? If so, try adding that to itself to get to .
That is a good starting place for the rest of the problem.Span of tightrope:
Given lengths:feet See part (a) for help.
One possible solution is
. Span of tightrope:
Given lengths:feet See part (a) for help.