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Home > MC1 > Chapter 3 > Lesson 3.3.3 > Problem 3-86


Refer to the diagram at right to answer the questions below.    

  1. Copy the diagram and add two pieces so that the result is a value of . You can add positive and/or negative pieces. Show the pieces you added to get this answer

    This problem is very similar to problem 3-34. Last time, you were told how many pieces to add or subtract. This time, you will need to use your own understanding to determine how best to reach by adding two pieces.

    Since the current value of this diagram is , you will need to add one negative piece
    and one positive piece to keep the value of .

  2. Copy the diagram again, but this time remove four pieces (again positives and/or negatives) so that the result is a value of . Show the pieces you removed to get this answer.

    You already know the current value is . By only removing pieces from the picture,
    how does become ? Think about this question, then proceed with the problem.

Use the following eTool to answer the questions.
Click the link at right for the full version of the eTool: 
3-86 HW eTool