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Home > MC1 > Chapter 6 > Lesson 6.2.1 > Problem 6-53


Arrange each of these fractions on a number line: .

Arrange the fractions on the number line below. It is divided into sixteenths.
This will make placing the fractions much easier. A number line, scaled in sixteenths, from 0 to 1.

A number line, scaled in sixteenths, from 0 to 1.

The following fractions placed on the appropriate sixteenth: 1 fourth, on the fourth, 3 eighths on the sixth, 16 sixteenths at the last.

Some of the fractions have been placed for you. Place the rest on your own. The following fractions placed on the appropriate sixteenth: 1 fourth, on the fourth, 3 eighths on the sixth, 16 sixteenths at the last.