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Home > MC1 > Chapter 8 > Lesson 8.2.1 > Problem 8-25


A team of students worked on problem 8-20.The team’s work is shown below. Unfortunately, the expressions, descriptions, and diagrams got mixed up! Match the counting method, word description, and diagram that describe the same strategy.  





  1. Start in one corner and count four times around the picture frame.

  1. A frame figure for a 10 by 10 square. Each side piece of the frame, is a rectangle, with a row or column of 10 minus 1 or 9 tiles, that spans across the row or column and doesn't include the last tile. The last tile is always included in the row or column following.


  1. Take a side length of four times and take away the four corners.

  1. A frame figure with the inside square, that contains 8 rows of 8 tiles, shaded.


  1. Take the entire 's grid and subtract the inside part of the picture frame.

  1. A frame figure with the following sides, each shaded: Top rectangle, contains 1 row of 10 tiles. Bottom rectangle, contains 1 row of 8 tiles. Each side rectangle, contains 1 row of 9 tiles.


  1. Take the top length, then add the two vertical sides and add the bottom.

  1. A frame figure with each side, a shaded rectangle, containing 1 row of 8 tiles. The corners are not shaded.