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Home > MC2 > Chapter 1 > Lesson 1.2.2 > Problem 1-58


For each situation below, write the indicated probability.

  1. A coin is flipped times. It lands "tails" times. Based on this data, what is the experimental probability that the coin will land on heads?

    If the coin landed on tails 47 times out of a total of times, how many times did the coin land on heads?

  2. A bag contains purple and orange marbles. Samantha randomly takes out one marble, and then returns it to the bag. She does this times, and of those times an orange marble is pulled out. For her experiment, what is the probability that she will pull out a green marble? .

    See part (a).

    Read the situation carefully. How many green marbles are in the bag?

    The probability is because there are no green marbles in the bag.

  3. Sarina pulls a playing card from a standard deck and then replaces it. She does this times, and of the time it is hearts. Based on these results, what is the probability that she will not pull a heart out of the deck?

    The probability of not pulling a heart out of the deck can also be considered as the probability of pulling a card that is not a heart.

    If she pulled hearts of the time out of attempts, how many hearts did she draw?

    Based on this number and the total number of cards, find the number of non-hearts that she drew and find its probability.

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