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Home > MC2 > Chapter 10 > Lesson 10.2.6 > Problem 10-151


A box of candy holds pieces. Sixteen pieces in the box are caramels, three pieces are marshmallow chews, five pieces are fruit centers, eight pieces are nut clusters, and the rest are white chocolate.

  1. What is the probability of randomly choosing a caramel out of the box?

    How many caramel pieces are there out of the total number of candy pieces in the box?

  2. What is the probability that you will not choose a fruit center or a nut cluster?

    How many pieces of candy in the box are not fruit centers or nut clusters out of the total number of candy pieces in the box?

    In other words, what is the probability of choosing a caramel, a marshmallow chew, or a white chocolate candy?

  3. In a different box, there is a chance that you will choose a fruit center. From which box is it more likely that you will choose a fruit center?

    What is the probability that you will pick a fruit center from this box?

    Compare the probabilities and convert them into fractions with common denominators.
    Which box has a greater probability of choosing a fruit center?

    It is more likely to get a fruit center from the new box.