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Home > MC2 > Chapter 11 > Lesson 11.3.1 > Problem 11-88


Multiple Choice: Which of the cylinders matches the net? Explain how you know. Note that the length above each cylinder is the radius of the base.

Refer to the Math Notes from Lesson 10.2.6 for help.

Notice that the height of the lateral face rectangle is the same as the height for the cylinder.

That means the cylinder must have a height of cm, which eliminates both A and C.

From the Math Notes box you can see that the circumference of the base is the width of the lateral face rectangle. Which cylinder has a circumference of ? cm?

Since circumference (diameter)() we need to know which cylinder has a diameter of cm. How can you find the diameter?

Diameter is twice the radius, so the radius must be for the diameter to be .
The answer is cylinder D.