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Home > MC2 > Chapter 3 > Lesson 3.2.4 > Problem 3-99


Think about the mathematical process you use as you solve the following problems. Show your work and your solutions.  

  1. If there are students in a room and  of them are taller than feet, how many are not taller than feet?

    Since there are students taller than feet out of students, the rest of the students are not taller than  feet. So subtract from to get the number of students that are not taller than  feet.

     students are not taller than  feet

  2. If there are blue and white stripes on a flag and of them are blue, how many are white?

    See part (a).

  3. If there are pennies and dimes in a box and of them are pennies, how many are dimes?

    See part (a).

  4. Now it is time to generalize. Imagine you know how many items you have in a collection of two types of things. If you know how many of one of the items you have, how could you find how many of the other item you have?

    Describe the process used in part (a).