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Home > MC2 > Chapter 6 > Lesson 6.1.3 > Problem 6-27


Nate and Nick were talking about cars. Nate claimed that cars with more horsepower were more expensive than cars with less horsepower. His reason was that his horsepower sports car was worth more than Nick's horsepower small economy car. To investigate Nate's claim, the boys looked up information about their friends' cars. The table at right shows their results. .

  1. Does the information in the table support Nate's claim that cars with more horsepower cost more? Is there a relationship between horsepower and the price of a car?

    Look at the data. Do you notice any patterns in how the price increases with the horsepower or do car prices vary even with higher horsepower?

    There is no correlation between horsepower and price. That is, higher horsepower does not always guarantee a higher price.

  2. Set up a graph and plot the points from the table. Now do you believe Nick's claim? Explain your reasoning.

    Your conclusion should not change since a graph is just a visual representation of the data.

Nick and Nate's Data


Price (Thousands)

Use the eTool below to create a graph from the table.
Click the link at right for the full version of the eTool: MC2 6-27 HW eTool