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Your team is in charge of games at the CPM Amusement Park. One of the games involves a robotic arm that randomly grabs a stuffed animal out of a large bin. You need to set up the game so that the probability of a customer’s grabbing a teddy bear is exactly

  1. How would you set up the bin? Explain.

    What fraction of the stuffed animals in the bin should be teddy bears?

    If the probability of grabbing a teddy bear is , then  of the stuffed animals in the bin should be teddy bears.

  2. What if you returned to check on the bin and found that there were 4 teddy bears left and 12 other animals? What could you add to or remove from the bin to return the probability of selecting a teddy bear to ?

    How should the number of teddy bears compare to the number of other stuffed animals?

    There are two possible answers. You could add teddy bears or remove other stuffed animals.