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Home > CCGS > Chapter 3 > Lesson 3.2.6 > Problem 3-108


Usa las relaciones en el diagrama de la derecha para hallar e . Justifica tus soluciones.  

Considera cómo se relacionan entre sí los ángulos restaltados y cómo se relacionan entre sí los ángulos de un triángulo.

A horizontal transversal cuts through 2 parallel lines. At the right parallel line & the transversal, the exterior lower angle is 43 & at the left parallel line & the transversal, the interior upper angle is, x. A triangle is formed from segments from the top, left parallel line, the transversal left of angle x, & a segment between them. The angle opposite the parallel segment is, y, & opposite the transversal segment is 61. Shaded are 43, opposite angle & last interior triangle.

A horizontal transversal cuts through 2 parallel lines. At the intersection of the right parallel line & the transversal, the exterior lower angle is 43 and at the left parallel line & the transversal, the interior upper angle is, x. A triangle is formed with a segment from the top, left parallel line, a segment of the transversal left of angle x, & a segment between the two. The angle opposite the parallel segment is, y, & opposite the transversal segment is 61.