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Home > INT3S > Chapter 2 > Lesson 2.2.4 > Problem 2-107


Escribe una ecuación y resuelve e en cada diagrama a continuación. Indica las propiedades que utilizas.

  1. Triangle, whose horizontal base is extended to the right, with a ray, starting at the right bottom vertex of the triangle, extending up & right. The ray, & the left side of the triangle, are each marked with 2 arrows. Left bottom angle, labeled 50 degrees. Top angle labeled, 70 degrees. Angle below & right of ray, labeled, y, angle above & left of ray, but not in interior of triangle, labeled, x.

  1. Triangle, whose horizontal base is extended to the right. Left bottom angle labeled 25 degrees, top angle labeled 80 degrees, angle exterior to triangle, formed from right side & horizontal extension, labeled, x.