CPM Homework Banner

Examina los diagramas a continuación. Para cada uno, escribe y resuelve una ecuación que te permita hallar . Muestra todo tu trabajo.  

  1. A triangle where all three sides have 1 tick mark. One interior angle is 4 x minus 12 degrees.

    Los triángulos equiláteros tienen tres ángulos congruentes.

  1. A right triangle with a leg of 3.1, hypotenuse of 4.9, and second leg of x.

    Usa el Teorema de Pitágoras para despejar la .

  1. A trapezoid with horizontal parallel bases. A diagonal from bottom left to top right creates 2 internal triangles. In degrees, top triangle has 51 and 103. The bottom triangle has 82 and x. The unknown angle in the top triangle is adjacent to 82 in the bottom triangle. The unknown angle in the bottom triangle is adjacent to 51 in the top triangle.

    Ya que el ∠y y el ∠z son ángulos alternos internos, son congruentes. Por lo tanto, .

  1. A four sided figure where all four sides have 1 tick mark. Bottom side has a length of 2, x + 9 and right side has a length of 3, x minus 2.