CPM Homework Banner

Usa las relaciones entre los ángulos de los diagramas a continuación para hallar , cuando sea posible. Cuando no sea posible, menciona cómo lo sabes. Cuando sea posible, justifica tu solución enunciando las relaciones geométricas que usaste.

  1. Triangles with angles x + 8 degrees, 2 x + 3 degrees, and 3 x minus 2 degrees.

    Los ángulos de un triángulo suman .
    Entonces, .

  1. A vertical transversal cuts through 2 parallel lines. At the intersection of the top parallel line and the transversal, the angle, exterior, left is 6 x, minus 28 degrees.  At the intersection of the bottom parallel line and the transversal, the angle, exterior, right is 4 x, plus 18 degrees.

  1. An isosceles triangle where the base line is extended to the right outside of the triangle. A transversal parallel to the left side of the triangle passes through the right base vertex of the triangle. The angle between the two equal sides is labeled x. The angle between the extended side and the transversal is 56 degrees.

    ¿Cómo puedes usar las rectas paralelas para hallar un ángulo dentro del triángulo?

    An isosceles triangle where the base line is extended to the right outside of the triangle. A transversal parallel to the left side of the triangle passes through the right base vertex of the triangle. The angle between the two equal sides is labeled x. The angle between the extended side and the transversal is 56 degrees. The angle between the triangle base and the transversal is 56 degrees.